Sustainable, Organic, Innovative
Impact Farms utilizes sustainable, organic and permaculture-inspired agricultural practices. SAVE Farms manages two farm sites; one at Glenrose Gardens in Atlanta and the other at our SAVEHaven Campus in Lithia Springs, GA.
SAVE Institute students help to manage and operate the farm, and sell produce, eggs, meat and other value-added products from the farm to the community.
Impact Farms offers a wide selection of humanely raised free-range goats. Available goats include male and female Boer, Kiko, Nubian and Saanen goats of various sizes and ages.
To purchase Goats, call 404-482-6401
SAVE Institute is a registered Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.
Tax ID#: 84-2835511
All Contributions are tax-deductible.